Ivy League admissions results are in! Of the 253,472 applications for the class of 2018, the eight Ivy League schools admitted a total of 22, 624. The admission rate is 8.9%.

Here is how they broke down by school:
Brown: 2,619 offers of admission out of 30,432 applications, admission rate is 8.6%
Columbia: 2,291 offers out of 32,967 apps, rate is 6.9%.
Cornell: 6,014 offers out of 43,041 apps, rate: 14%
Dartmouth: 2,220 offers out of19,296 apps., rate 11.5%
Harvard: 2,023 offers out of 34,295 apps, rate 5.9%
Princeton: 1,939 offers out of 26,641 apps, rate 7.3%
Penn: 3,583 offers out of 35,868 apps, rate: 10%
Yale: 1,935 offers out of 30,932m rate, 6.3%.